الصفحة الرئيسية / لاهوت وعقيدة


رسالة الأنبا يوسف حول الإفخارستيا

I received the article that is passing on to many bishops and priests and I want to share that this article is a very deceiving one because:

  1. We cannot say that we eat the Divinity although we confess that we eat the body of the Lord that is united with the divinity without mingling or confusion or alteration.  Think about it this way: Can we say the divinity died on the cross? NO. But what died on the cross is the humanity of our Lord which is united to His divinity without separation for a single moment or a twinkling of an eye.
  2. The author of this article has no respect at all to our beloved Pope
  3. If the author is encouraging all the bishops, monks, and priests to take an action; where is he from this action? Why he is not brave enough to tell us who is he?
  4. Who is he to anathematize our beloved Pope
  5. Does not he know that passing a wrong anathema will return on him?

I pray that may God guide the author to the repentance.

Bishop Youssef
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern USA